Start your business

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, coach, advisor, expert, specialst or therapist, then we have great news. You dont need to invent the wheel, have a Master degree in Business or have experience from building and running a business. You also don’t need to do it alone.

We have your back and offer training, coaching and turnkey solutions, so you become a champion yourself. Start Small. Start Now.

BizChamp is your one-stop-shop that takes the complexity and trial-and-error out of starting and growing your business. From scratch to success.

Business in a nutshell

In general there are 3 main levels in business and within those there are 7 core business areas you should know about. Watch the short video below.

  1. Foundation (primarily before you start)
    • Platform: The WHAT, WHO, WHY and HOW of your business
    • Promise: What you offer your customers
  2. Operations (daily repetitive tasks)
    • Promote: Tell your ideal customers about you promises (marketing)
    • Persuade: Get the leads to buy
    • Perform: Deliver your promise = give it to them
    • Pamper & Protect: Loyal customers are priceless
  3. Optimization/business development
    • Profit: Improve your business and processes

Starting is all about creating a solid foundation

Why? 95% of all companies fail. Because (just to name a few reasons)

  • The right promise to the wrong audience will fail. Example: Selling good quality but cheap wedding dresses to single men or married women.
  • The wrong promise to the right audience will fail. Example: Selling bad quality and expensive wedding dresses to prospective brides.
  • Too wide an audience is difficult (and expensive) to address
  • Too narrow an audience makes it difficult to atttract enough customers
  • Not having a clear model for making money make it difficult to make a profit

A solid foundation makes everything else (the operations and optimizations) much easier and amplifies your results. Think about this: If you dont know your audience, how can you communicate with them? If your promise is not clear, how can you get their attention?

How do we help you?

BizChamp IMPACT gives you everything you need to start and grow your business. For aspiring entrepreneurs we suggest these first steps:

  • Biz Launch Training. FREE
  • Biz Start Lite Training
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